Your rights.
Simply managed. Efficiently managed. Quickly managed.

Our new website is now available. Some sections are still under development and will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Become a member

To become a member, it’s simple

1 – Membership application to be completed and signed

2 – Mandate contract to be completed and signed in duplicate

3 – Send them to our P.O. box

Luxorr, since 2003

Luxorr is an association authorized by the Minister of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to manage collectively on behalf of its author and publisher members certain copyrights related to protected textual and pictorial works, in particular reproduction rights and public lending rights.

You are an author/publisher

If you are an author and/or publisher, you can become a Luxorr principal member and participate in the distribution of revenues collected in Luxembourg and abroad in return for the use of your creations.

You are a user

If you are a user of protected works, for example within a private or public company, the law requires you to ask Luxorr for authorization (license). This obligation is necessary for many uses, whether analog (photocopies…), digital (digitization, distribution on intranet, extranet, internet, social networks…) or other (library/media library loans…).

Luxorr is an association authorized by the Minister of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to manage collectively on behalf of its author and publisher members certain copyrights related to protected textual and pictorial works, in particular reproduction rights and public lending rights.

Frequently asked questions

Protection lasts as long as the author is alive, and remains valid for 70 years after his death. After this period, the work falls into the public domain.

This is not true.

Copyright applies from the moment a creator has materialized his idea and this creation bears his personal stamp.

Acquiring the primary right consists in purchasing a work (a book, for example). However, primary law does not grant the right to make copies, as long as the work is protected. Reprography by paper or digitization is covered by secondary legislation.

No, these apply.

Useful links

Any questions?
Contact us for more information

Our team will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible.