Cultural promotion

Global definition

Luxembourg legislation obliges copyright collecting societies such as Luxorr to invest part of the royalties they collect in the interests of cultural promotion. Luxorr pursues this primordial objective by raising awareness among all players of the importance of respecting copyright, which constitutes the moral and material basis of creative work.

Luxorr’s cultural promotion grants are open to any project directly related to the written word and/or photography. Authors and/or publishers must be Luxorr members.

In this way, Luxorr-funded initiatives must promote written works (press or book), contribute to their development and encourage recognition of the interests of their authors and publishers.

To be eligible for cultural promotion support, an author and/or publisher must:

  1. Be a Luxorr member
  2. Provide a detailed description of the project and its purpose
  3. Indicate whether other people are involved in the creative process
  4. Provide a detailed budget forecast
  5. Indicate whether other organizations are being asked to support the project
  6. Provide any additional information needed to support the project

All requests for assistance with cultural promotion are analyzed and approved by the Board of Directors.

No aid can be automatically renewed.

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