Luxembourg Book Awards 2023

Congratulations to the authors who were awarded at the ceremony of the
‘Lëtzebuerger Buchpräis 2023’. For each category (Children and Young Adolescents, non-fiction, and fiction),
five books were on the shortlists
The 1st Prize in the “fiction” category was awarded to Claudine Muno for « Dëst ass net däi Liewen »
The 1st Prize in the “children’s book / YA” category was awarded to Charlotte Reuter and Lynn Cosyn for « D’Rommel Bommel an hir Frënn »
The 1st Prize in the “non-fiction” category was awarded to Germaine Goetzinger for « Aline Mayrisch-de Saint-Hubert 1874-1974. Ein Frauenleben im Spannungsfeld von Feminismus, sozialem Engagement und Literatur »
The “Design” Prize went to Fabienne Hollwege for « To LIVE heißt leben und LIEBE heißt Love »
The “people’s choice award” was given to Anja Di Bartolomeo for « Koma 21 »